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Chile issue the safety and energy efficiency certificate process rule of household and similar common tungston halogen lamp

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 Chile department of energy officially issue NO.3623 rule on October 25,2011 which show the safety and energy efficiency certificate process of household and similar common tungston lahogen lamp will be effective on April 1,2013.
Certificate standard for tungston halogen lamp consuming power in stand-by is IEC 60357 2008,the certificate process draft of energy efficiency label is as follows:
Safety and performance analysis or test process of electronic products—— household and similar common tungston halogen lamp PE N 5/15/02.
The safety certificate standard is IEC 60432-2 2005 and IEC 60432-1 2005safety certificate process draft is as follows:
Safety and performance analysis or test process of electronic products—— household and similar common tungston halogen lamp PE Nº 5/15.
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